This valuable current chart was out of print for decades. Originally called, "Tide Prints". Starpath Publications has brought it back under a clearer title. If you are familiar with The Current Atlas Straight of Juan de Fuca/Strait of Georgia, by the Canadian Hydrographic Service, then you understand what a useful tool a graphic current chart is. This book covers tidal currents for the areas south of the above current atlas -- all of the Puget Sound and Hood Canal. Even if you never boat in these waters you can learn a lot just by studying the illustrations in this book, and if you do kayak or sail here you can use this publication to plan your trips so as to use the tidal currents to your advantage and to avoid the big tide rips along the way.
This current chart is a perpetual publication - good for any year, but to use it you will need the present year's tide and current tables for the Puget Sound. Instructions in the book explain how to use the tide and current tables to find the map page that corresponds to the time of day and date you are interested in.